1. SigiDoc's template: the structure of a SigiDoc XML file

This page contains the whole structure of a SigiDoc XML edition file: however, it is very unlikely that a user or a project will need all the elements contained therein and everyone will be able to make a selection, thus creating their own working template. This template, which will look very familiar to TEI and EpiDoc users, is organised around a few major elements:


teiHeader: this very comprehensive element has been designed for the metadata. Among them, the SigiDoc ID number is of special importance; along with it, this element collects information concerning the classification of the seal, its issuer (or owner), the seal as an object (with its major physical characteristics and its layout, including the iconography), and its history (with dating, the find circumstances and the subsequent custodial history). The most part of this first element is devoted to the whole seal, but two msPart elements are devoted to the specific description of the two faces of a seal, the obverse and the reverse.


facsimile: the images of the two faces of a seal will be contained in this element and they will be displayed just above the edition of the seal's legend.

Legend-related features

text: the last major element in a SigiDoc template is devoted to the edition of the seal's legend and to the features mostly (but not exclusively) related to it:

Edition: div with type of "edition": the two type of edition – interpretive or diplomatic – are contained in two separate divs, differentiated by a subtype ("editorial" and "diplomatic") and having other divs nested inside, devoted to specific features of the obverse and of the reverse.

Apparatus criticus: div with type of "apparatus": displayed just below the editions, the apparatus can explain some editor's choices, bear variant readings, and all the information strictly related to the legend and its edition.

Translation: div with type of "translation": not frequently available in sigillographic editions, translations are also an interpretation of the legend and have their specific issues and challenges.

Commentary: div with type of "commentary": an historical commentary as broad as possible allows to understand the significance and role of each seal.

Footnotes: div with type of "footnotes": often bibliographic references (in their short form) are embedded in the text of the commentary, but sometimes the discussion about a seal may require more space and flexibility; in addition, there is no reason why a digital edition should not have this option available, just like traditional paper editions have.

Bibliography: div with type of "bibliography": the bibliographic references are subdivided in four categories, depending on whether the reference concerns a previous edition of the seal currently edited, the edition of a parallel, or simply a discussion on the two previous categories, but without any edition.

Note that for a number of its elements and attributes, the use of the SigiDoc template also requires a specific controlled vocabulary for elements and predetermined values for attributes. It is recommended to first have a look at the structure of the template and then become familiar with elements and attributes' values. The following template is linked to the controlled vocabulary for elements and, for some of the attributes (but not for all), to the list of possible values; in addition, it is linked to another page, displaying the list of the field names - generated from this template - that form the seal edition: the links show which fields on the web page the elements of the template correspond to (the destination of the links on the other page will be highlighted in order to facilitate the reading).

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">In order to display multilingual sites in EFES,
it is important NOT to add @xml:lang="" in the TEI declaration.
<teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title xml:lang=""/>The title of the webpage containing the edition of the seal: ex. "Seal of …"
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<editor/>The name(s) of the editor(s) of the seal, not of the creator(s) of the record.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
</titleStmt> <editionStmt>Information about the xml record. <edition> <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Not displayed on the webpage, XML only.
</edition> <editor/>The name(s) of the creator(s) of the record, not of the editor(s) of the seal, but they could also be the same person(s).
This element is repeatable for different languages.
</editionStmt> <publicationStmt>Information concerning the publication or distribution. <authority xml:lang=""/>Supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available,
other than a publisher or distributor (for ex., a university).
This element is repeatable for different languages.
<idno type="filename"/>To give a name to each XML file. <idno type="SigiDocID"/>Identification number to be attributed to each seal.
See controlled vocabulary.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<idno type="sequence"/>A simple sequence of numbers (0001, 0002, ...) to allow navigation within the corpus
from a page with an edition of seals to the next or previous one
(the same sequence is present in the all_seal file, living in EFES-master).
<date when=""/>Date of online publication, written as YYYY-MM-DD.
Not displayed on the webpage, XML only.
<availability>Information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution,
its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc.
<licence target="[URI]"/>Text here.
Information about a licence or other legal agreement applicable to the text;
for ex.: "Creative Commons Attributions-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License".
In @target the URI; for ex., "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/".
Not displayed on the webpage, XML only.
</availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <country>Country and the following 'settlement' form the 'Modern location' field in the stylesheet. <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</country> <settlement>The city.
Settlement and the previous 'country' form the 'Modern location' field in the stylesheet.
<seg xml:lang=""/>Text here.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</settlement> <institution/>Museum/archive/library, etc.
Grouped with the following element in the stylesheet (a comma will be printed to separate the two data).
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<repository/>The part of the previous institution containing the item.
Grouped with the previous element in the stylesheet (a comma will be printed to separate the two data).
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<collection xml:lang="" ref="URI"/>Western manuscripts/Private collection, etc.
@ref contains a link to an online catalogue where available.
This element is repeatable for different languages if the collection's name is translatable.
Grouped with the two following elements in the stylesheet.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<idno/>Inventory/shelf number.
Grouped with the previous and the following element in the stylesheet.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<altIdentifier>Contains an alternative or former structured identifier used for a seal, such as a former catalogue number.
It should be used only for changes of identifiers within the current holding institution or collection:
all the information about previous locations is in <provenance/> element, with @type="transferred".
Grouped with the two previous elements in the stylesheet.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<repository xml:lang=""/> <idno/> </altIdentifier> </msIdentifier> <msContents>Describes the intellectual content of the object. <summary n="whole">Classification of the seal according to broader categories (see the following). <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Multiple choices possible.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</summary> <msItem> <author>The seal issuer's/owner's name.
Could also be Anonym or Undetermined.
<roleName role="issuer" type="">Values for @type: see the list of values.
This element is repeatable.
<seg xml:lang=""/>Text here.
In case of uncertain identification of the issuer, a cert="low" should be added here (a ? will be displayed).
In case of multiple issuers/owners
a comma and white space should be added just after the name,
in order to separate it from the following.
"Anonymous" should be used for anonymous seals.
"Undetermined" if the lack of information depends on the seal’s conditions.
This element is repeatable for different issuers/owners and different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<interp type="milieu" xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different issuers/owners and different languages.
Multiple choices possible.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</roleName> </author> </msItem> </msContents> <physDesc>Full physical description of the seal. <objectDesc> <supportDesc> <support> <objectType>The type of object being referred to. <term> <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</term> <interp type="workType" xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</objectType> <material>The material which the seal is made of. <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</material> <dimensions type="support" unit="mm">For the whole object.
For under- and overstrikes: the same value, what changes is the field's diameter (see below)
<dim type="diameter"/>For round objects.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<height/>Alternative for square, rectangular, oval (together with width), etc. objects <width/>Alternative for square, rectangular, oval (together with height), etc. objects <depth/>Alternative for square, rectangular, etc. objects </dimensions> <measure type="weight" unit="g"/>Weight in grams.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<measure type="axis" unit="clock"/>The directional relationship between the obverse and reverse described with the clock unit.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<measure type="overstrikeOrient" unit="clock"/>The orientation of the overstrike is based on the understrike and described with the clock unit;
this element should be used only when describing the understrike.
A SigiDoc ID for the overstrike should also be added.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<measure type="channelOrient" unit="clock"/>Channel orientation described with the clock unit:
2 points of the clock (12-6, 1-5, etc.) should be mentioned.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<measure type="countermark" unit="clock"/>Countermark orientation described with the clock unit.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</support> <condition rend="">State of presevation (also for the quality of the impression).
Values for @rend: see the list of values.
<p xml:lang=""/>Plain description for the whole seal, including imprint quality, imprint or field position, color (or patina).
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</condition> </supportDesc> <layoutDesc>Description of the seal's layout.
Data concerning the whole seal; for obverse and reverse, see below, <msPart> @n="r" and "v"
<layout n="whole">Attribute @n to designate data about the whole seal, in order to separate them from those concerning the 2 faces. <rs type="layout">Classification of the layout according to broader categories. <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</rs> <rs type="execution">How the seal has been made. <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</rs> <rs type="shape">Seal's shape. <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</rs> <rs type="matrix" subtype="">The boulloterion.
Values for @subtype: see the list of values.
In order to get a proper visualisation, without empty fields on the webpage,
the following nested elements (<idno/>) should not be left empty:
if the information is lacking, the element should simply be suppressed.
<idno type="SigiDoc"/>A SigiDoc ID number should always be given, in the following way: M-1, M-2, etc.;
a matrix ID should be attributed to verbal descriptions or drawings,
when it is not possible to identify the drawing and/or the verbal description with an existing seal as an object.
For assembled boulloteria, the ID should be different and autonomous;
for assembled boulloteria, see obverse and reverse description (<mspart/>).
This <idno/> element is repeatable for different IDs (see the following).
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<idno type="PBW" corresp="URI"/>ID from the PBW, if applicable.
@corresp contains the URI pointing to the relevant PBW page.
Other <idno/> elements with different @type attributes
can be added for IDs coming from other sources.
</rs> </layout> </layoutDesc> </objectDesc> <decoDesc> <decoNote> <figure> <figDesc n="whole" xml:lang=""/>Just a few keywords from a controlled vocabulary (see) in order to decribe the typology of the iconography, if applicable.
NOT FOR MONOGRAMS: monograms should be described in obverse and reverse.
A second <figDesc/> should be added in case of a seal with bilateral iconography.
In case of identification issues, different hypothesis can be proposed in different <figDesc/>.
A @cert="low" attribute can also be added to the parent element <figure/>.
Not currently handled by SigiDoc stylesheet: for indexing only.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
</figure> </decoNote> </decoDesc> </physDesc> <history>Seal's history. <origin> <origPlace>Where the seal comes originallly from, different from findspot. <seg xml:lang="">This element is repeatable for different languages. <placeName ref="URI"/>Text here.
This element should be used if a place is mentioned by the legend.
If no place is mentioned by the legend: “Not specified” should be added, with, if possible, a hypothesis between brackets,
with an attribute @cert in order to add a question mark if necessary.
In @ref, URI to an online gazeteer, such as Pleiades.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</seg> </origPlace> <origDate/>The following elements are different dating methods to choose among.
In case of assembled seals, here the 'general' dating, with date range.
For all the following dating methods:
values for @evidence: see the list of values;
values for @cert: see the list of values.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<origDate type="analysis" when="" evidence="" cert="" resp="">For a precise year.
@type="analysis" indicates the date as the result of the editor's analysis,
different from @type="internal", see below.
<seg/>Text here. <interp type="datingCriteria" xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</origDate> <origDate type="analysis" notBefore="" notAfter="" evidence="" cert="" resp="">For a date range or for centuries, or parts of them.
In @notBefore and @notAfter centuries must be written in years:
for ex.: for the 10th C., "0901" and "1000".
For parts of a century:
first half: 01-50
second half: 51-00
beginning: 01-20
end: 81-00
middle: 41-60
first/second/last third: 01-33/34-66/67-00
first/second/third/last quarter: 01-25/26-50/51-75/76-00
Note that the year must be always composed of 4 numbers,
hence for years before 1000, a zero must be added at the beginning
(with centuries - IX-X for ex. - a @cert="low" should be added).
<seg/>Text here.
@xml:lang should be used here because the element's content are also words
(e.g. XI century C.E., third quarter), to be translated if necessary.
<interp type="datingCriteria" xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</origDate> <origDate type="internal" when="" when-custom="" datingMethod="">For an internal date.
@type="internal" is for internal dates, opposed to @type="analysis".
@evidence is "internal_date".
@datingMethod implies to specify in the teiHeader the type of dating system:
for ex.: <calendar xml:id="byzantineWorldEra"><p>"Since the creation of the world"</p></calendar>, or link to a Wiki.
In @when should be indicated the year according to the modern calendar,
in @when-custom should be indicated the year in the ancient calendar
(indiction or Byzantine era for example).
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<seg xml:lang=""/>Text here.
@xml:lang should be used here because the element's content are also words
(e.g. 10th indiction), to be translated if necessary.
<interp type="datingCriteria" xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</origDate> <date>For erroneous dating and corrections.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<choice> <sic resp=""/>The former dating.
It will not appear according to the current SigiDoc stylesheet.
@resp is for the person responsible for this dating: see the list of values.
<corr resp="" evidence="" cert=""/>The new dating.
@resp is for the person responsible for this dating: see the list of values.
@evidence and @cert will not have any effect on visualisation after transformation.
</choice> <interp type="datingCriteria" xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
</date> </origin> <provenance type="found" subtype="" when="" source="" cert="">Findspot.
Alternative to @when for a date range: @notAfter, @notBefore.
Possible @subtype's values: see the list of values.
Values for @source: see the list of values.
Values for @cert: see the list of values.
Matching field name on the final web page ('Find date' from attribute @when) here.
<placeName type="ancient-findspot" ref="URI" xml:lang=""/>The ancient name of the findspot.
@ref for a link to a gazeteer of ancient toponyms, such as Pleiades.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<placeName type="modern-findspot" ref="URI" xml:lang=""/>Current name of the findspot.
If there is an ancient findspot, the modern toponym will be displayed between brackets.
@ref for a link to a gazeteer of modern toponyms, such as Geonames.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<rs type="circumstances" xml:lang=""/>General information about the circumstances of the finding.
Information such as personal names can be tagged.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</provenance> <provenance type="observed" subtype="">Modern observations subsequent to the find date.
Grouped with the following <provenance type="not-observed"/> element in the stylesheet.
Possible @subtype's values: see the list of values.
<p xml:lang=""/>Information such as dates, personal names or place names should also be tagged.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</provenance> <provenance type="not-observed" subtype="">About a specific, unsuccessful attempt to locate an object in a presumed or previously recorded location.
Grouped with the previous <provenance type="observed"/> element in the stylesheet.
Possible @subtype's values: see the list of values.
<p xml:lang=""/>Information such as dates, personal names or place names should also be tagged.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</provenance> <provenance type="transferred" subtype="">About documentable modern relocations of the item: auctions, donations, etc.
BEFORE its acquisition by its current holding institution.
To be used for previous locations of the seal: museums, private collections, etc., instead of <altIdentifier/>.
Possible @subtype's values: see the list of values.
<p xml:lang=""/>Plain text, but date should be tagged, for example:
<date when="1997-10">October 1997</date>.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</provenance> <acquisition>Any information specific to the means by which the item
was acquired by its PRESENT owner.
<p xml:lang=""/>Plain text, but the date of acquistion should be tagged, for example:
<date when="1975-09">September 1975</date> or with @notBefore-@notAfter.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</acquisition> </history> <msPart n="r">Information about the obverse. <msIdentifier> <idno/> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <summary n="r"> <seg xml:lang="">Obverse</seg>This element is repeatable for different languages.
Not displayed after transformation.
</summary> <textLang n="r" mainLang="">Legend's language of the obverse; for ex.: Byzantine greek, with @mainLang="grc".
An attribute @otherLang="" could be added for another language.
For @mainLang/@otherLang's possible values, see the list of values.
<seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</textLang> </msContents> <physDesc>Physical description of the obverse. <objectDesc> <layoutDesc> <layout n="r"> <dimensions type="written" unit="mm">For the inscribed field. <dim type="diameter"/>For round objects.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
For other shapes, see above the element <dimensions type="support"/>
</dimensions> <rs type="matrix" subtype="">The boulloterion.
To be used in case of assembled boulloteria.
Values for @subtype: see the list of values.
In case of lack of this information, in order to get a "Not applicable" for a proper visualisation
on the webpage, it is necessary to comment the whole <rs type="matrix"> element out.
<idno type="SigiDoc"/>ID for obverse's boulloterion in an assembled boulloterion:
it should be a different number from the ID attributed to the whole boulloterion.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</rs> <rs type="layout"> <seg xml:lang=""/>See the controlled vocabulary.
Not visualised after transformation.
To be used as indexing and search criterion only:
all this information should be expanded in the next element <p/>;
if there is no further information, the content of this element
should simply be copied into <p/> (which will be visualised),
in different languages if necessary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
</rs> <p/>Detailed description of the layout, also for monograms.
It should not be used for iconography;
with iconography, here there should be a simple mention 'Iconography' and
<decoDesc> should be preferred for a detailed description of the iconography.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</layout> </layoutDesc> </objectDesc> <handDesc> <handNote n="r">Epigraphic and palaeographic description of the obverse. <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</handNote> </handDesc> <decoDesc> <decoNote> <figure> <figDesc n="r" xml:lang=""/>Plain description (without commentary) of the iconography, if applicable.
Not for monograms; for monograms layout>seg>p should be used.
To be used for sigla and labels.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<figDesc n="decoR" xml:lang=""/>Decoration and borders.
Also for cross at the beginning of a legend (on the same line) or next to images and monograms.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</figure> </decoNote> </decoDesc> </physDesc> <history> <origin>Limited to a specific date for obverse in assembled seals.
For nested elements for dating (including corrections): see above <origDate/> for the whole seal.
<origDate>Matching field name on the final web page here. <seg/> <interp type="datingCriteria"/> </origDate> <date/> </origin> </history> </msPart> <msPart n="v">Information about the reverse. <msIdentifier> <idno/> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <summary n="v"> <seg xml:lang="">Reverse</seg>This element is repeatable for different languages.
Not displayed after transformation.
</summary> <textLang n="v" mainLang="">Legend's language of the reverse; for ex.: Byzantine greek, with @mainLang="grc".
An attribute @otherLang="" could be added for another language.
For @mainLang/@otherLang's possible values, see the list of values.
<seg xml:lang=""/>Text here: see the controlled vocabulary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</textLang> </msContents> <physDesc>Physical description of the obverse. <objectDesc> <layoutDesc> <layout n="v"> <dimensions type="written" unit="mm">For the inscribed field. <dim type="diameter"/>For round objects.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
For other shapes, see above the element <dimensions type="support"/>
</dimensions> <rs type="matrix" subtype="">The boulloterion.
To be used in case of assembled boulloteria.
Values for @subtype: see the list of values.
In case of lack of this information, in order to get a "Not applicable" for a proper visualisation
on the webpage, it is necessary to comment the whole <rs type="matrix"> element out.
<idno type="SigiDoc"/>ID for obverse's boulloterion in an assembled boulloterion:
it should be a different number from the ID attributed to the whole boulloterion.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</rs> <rs type="layout"> <seg xml:lang=""/>See the controlled vocabulary.
Not visualised after transformation.
To be used as indexing and search criterion only:
all this information should be expanded in the next element <p/>;
if there is no further information, the content of this element
should simply be copied into <p/> (which will be visualised),
in different languages if necessary.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
</rs> <p/>Detailed description, also for monograms.
It should not be used for iconography;
with iconography, here there should be a simple mention 'Iconography' and
<decoDesc> should be preferred for a detailed description of the iconography.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</layout> </layoutDesc> </objectDesc> <handDesc> <handNote n="v">Epigraphic and palaeographic description of the reverse. <seg xml:lang=""/>Text here.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</handNote> </handDesc> <decoDesc> <decoNote> <figure> <figDesc n="v" xml:lang=""/>Plain description (without commentary) of the iconography, if applicable.
Not for monograms; for monograms layout>seg>p should be used.
To be used for sigla and labels.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<figDesc n="decoV" xml:lang=""/>Decoration and borders.
Also for cross at the beginning of a legend (on the same line) or next to images and monograms.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</figure> </decoNote> </decoDesc> </physDesc> <history> <origin>Limited to a specific date for obverse in assembled seals.
For nested elements for dating (including corrections): see above <origDate/> for the whole seal.
<origDate>Matching field name on the final web page here. <seg/> <interp type="datingCriteria"/> </origDate> <date/> </origin> </history> </msPart> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <editorialDecl><p/></editorialDecl>Provides details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text:
however, this kind of declaration should be better part of the edited corpus' presentation.
<listPrefixDef> <prefixDef matchPattern="" ident="" replacementPattern=""/> </listPrefixDef> <charDecl>It could be used for symbols and standard ponctuation
currently displayed in the editorial interpretation (ex., the cross),
but it is preferable to simply add them by typing (to be tagged), hence this element should not be used;
for diplomatic edition and special characters AthenaRuby should be preferred.
<glyph xml:id="">The ID of the symbol, ex. "cross". <charProp> <localName>glyph-display</localName> <value/>The symbol itself. </charProp> <charProp> <localName>text-display</localName> <value/>The name of the symbol, ex. cross. </charProp> </glyph> </charDecl> </encodingDesc> <revisionDesc>Summarises the revision history for a file. <change when="" who=""/>Description of changes.
To be repeated for each change in the file.
</revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <facsimile> <surface type="obverse"> <desc>Obverse</desc> <graphic url="" scale="">To locate the image.
@url: the path to the folder, website, etc. where the image is located;
@scale: the scale of the image should be mentioned (ex. 0.5, 1, 1.5, etc.).
This element can be repeated an unlimited number of times in order to store several images of the seal's faces.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<desc xml:lang=""/>This element should contain:
-the mention of the type of reproduction (digital, drawing, etc., possibly with bibliographic reference);
-when the image has been taken (at least the year);
-if no image is available, this should be mentioned here.
This element is repeatable for different languages.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
</graphic> </surface> <surface type="reverse">See above <surface type="obverse">. <desc>Reverse</desc> <graphic url="" scale="">Matching field name on the final web page here. <desc xml:lang=""/>Matching field name on the final web page here. </graphic> </surface> </facsimile> <text> <body> <div type="edition" subtype="editorial" xml:space="preserve">Editorial interpretation of the seal's legend.
For details on the legend's mark-up, see the Guidelines.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<div type="textpart" subtype="" n="obv" rend="" xml:lang="">For the legend on the obverse.
Possible values for:
@subtype: see the list of values;
@rend: see the list of values;
@xml:lang: see the list of values.
<ab>[text here]</ab>Alternatively, with a metrical legend the element <lg/> should be used instead of <ab/>. </div> <div type="textpart" subtype="" n="rev" rend="" xml:lang="">For the legend on the reverse.
Possible values for:
@subtype: see the list of values;
@rend: see the list of values;
@xml:lang: see the list of values.
<ab>[text here]</ab>Alternatively, with a metrical legend the element <lg/> should be used instead of <ab/>. </div> </div> <div type="edition" subtype="diplomatic" xml:space="preserve"/>Diplomatic edition of the seal's legend.
For nested elements, see above <div type="edition" subtype="editorial">.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<div type="apparatus">External apparatus criticus.
For more details, see the Guidelines.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<listApp> <app xml:lang=""/> </listApp> </div> <div type="translation">Legend's translation.
For more details, see the Guidelines.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<p>[plain text here]</p> <p xml:lang="">[modern language text here]</p> </div> <div type="commentary" subtype="text">Commentary on the edition.
@subtype="text" to differentiate the text of the commentary from its footnotes.
For more details, see the Guidelines.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<p xml:lang=""/> </div> <div type="commentary" subtype="footnotes">Footnotes.
@subtype="footnotes" to differentiate the footnotes of the commentary from the text.
For more details, see the Guidelines.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<p xml:lang=""/> </div> <div type="bibliography" subtype="">Bibliography.
Values for @subtype: see the list of values.
For more details, see the Guidelines.
Matching field name on the final web page here.
<p> <bibl> <ptr target=""/>, <citedRange unit=""/> </bibl> </p> </div> </body> </text> </TEI>
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