3.2. Bibliography

    <div type="bibliography" subtype="edition"/>
    <div type="bibliography" subtype="parallels"/>
    <div type="bibliography" subtype="discussion"/>


The following way to insert bibliographic references assumes the existence of a TEI xml file named "bibliography.xml" living in EFES (ROOT>content>xml>authority).

                            <ptr target="DOseals1"/>
,<citedRange unit="page">p. 46</citedRange>



Visualisation after transformation: DO Seals, 1, p. 46.

target's value is the ID of the publication as it appears in the file "bibliography.xml".

About the 3 subtypes:

"edition": edition(s) of the current item;

"parallels": edition(s) of the parallels of the current item; the references should be preceded by the mention of the place of preservation and by the inventory numbers;

"discussion": further bibliographic references - without publication - about the current item or its parallels; the references should be followed by the mention of the place of preservation and by the inventory numbers between brackets.

A short bibliographic reference will be printed in the seal’s edition, while a bibliographic concordance will be automaticaly populated with the complete reference.

Note that the element citedRange should be included also when empty, in order to populate the bibliographic concordance.

Bibliographic references could be added in this same way also in other divs.

The div should be repeated for each kind of bibliographic reference (edition, parallels, further references).

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